Quick Hit: Light Switch Plate
Middle School
High School
1.5 Hours
Subject Areas
Best Practices, Engineering
3D Printer
Description: During this project, you will interpret a blueprint and use computer-aided design and 3D printing to create a personalized light switch plate. This project is intended as an introduction to basic computer-aided design and basic 3D printer operations. This project includes two lessons: Computer-Aided Design and 3D Printing and takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete.
Standards: This project aligns to Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for sixth grade through twelfth grade. This project aligns to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and Florida CPALMS Standards for sixth grade through eighth grade.
21st Century Skills: Technology Literacy, Creativity, Flexibility
Learning Outcomes
Students will…
Read and interpret a blueprint.
Create a computer-aided design.
Use and share makerspace equipment safely.
3D print a light switch plate.