Passive Speaker Design Challenge
Middle School
6.0 Hours
Subject Areas
Engineering, Music, Physics, Science
3D Printer
Description: People of all ages have long enjoyed taking their music and other recorded audio content with them, whether to the beach or someplace else. For this design challenge, students will design a passive speaker for a cell phone — today’s transistor radio! This project was developed in partnership with Dremel.
Standards: This project aligns to Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, Next Generation Science Standards, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, and Florida CPALMS Standards for sixth grade through eighth grade.
21st Century Skills: Creativity, Collaboration, Flexibility, Communication, Critical Thinking
Learning Outcomes
Students will…
Give examples of early means of amplifying sound without electricity.
Design and 3D print a passive cell phone speaker.
Apply knowledge of sound waves to the speaker design to reduce distortion.
Apply concepts of volume to develop a speaker which will amplify sound.
Evaluate how well the design meet the project’s requirements.
Use and share makerspace equipment safely.