Let it Glide
Middle School
High School
6+ Hours
Subject Areas
Engineering, Math, Physics, Science
3D Printer, Laser Cutter/Engraver, Vinyl Cutter/Printer
Description: During this project, you will work in teams and use the engineering design process, computer-aided design, and makerspace equipment to design and build glider wings to obtain optimum glider performance. Throughout the project, you will explore the basic principles of flight, laws of motion, the four forces of flight, and how fluids flow around objects. This project is divided into four sections, each with their own content and activities. This project is based on NASA Glenn’s Let it Glide challenge and takes approximately 20 hours to complete.
Standards: This project aligns to Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, Next Generation Science Standards, and International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for sixth grade through twelfth grade.
21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Flexibility, Information Literacy
Learning Outcomes
Students will…
Plan and brainstorm ideas as a team.
Describe how meaning is embedded in logos and badges.
Recognize why identity and team building are important to NASA.
Create a computer-aided design of a mission badge.
Analyze the relationship between the forces acting on a glider and the glider’s performance.
Demonstrate Bernoulli’s principle.
Construct a glider and determine its glide ratio.
Demonstrate the effects of initial thrust, angle of attack, center of gravity, and wingspan on glider performance.
Apply the Engineering Design Process.
Create a computer-aided design of new glider wings that optimize the glider’s performance.
Use and share makerspace equipment safely.